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St. Philips's Episcopal Church Welcomes You

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More About St. Philips's Episcopal Church

Our Story

The Episcopal Church was founded in 1789 as a separate group from the mother Church of England, from which the churches in the colonies were separated by the American Revolution. The red white and blue colors are the colors of the American flag. Many of the founders of this nation, including George Washington, were Episcopalians. The white field with a red cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of the Church of England (and incidentally the colony of Georgia). This remembers the Episcopal Church’s roots in the Church of England. There are nine miniature crosses on the field of blue symbolizing the nine dioceses that met in Philadelphia in 1789 to ratify the initial constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The crosslets are formed as a x-shaped cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. This remembers the Scottish Episcopal Church’s important role in our history as it was their bishops who ordained Samuel Seabury as the first American Bishop in 1784. The colors each have a symbolic meaning: Red is for the blood Christ shed for us and for the lives of the martyrs of our faith; White is the color of purity; Blue is the traditional color of the Virgin Mary, the mother of the Son of Man.

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Welcome to St. Philips's Episcopal Church

Committed to God

One of the hardest things about visiting a church for the first time is knowing what to expect. Here are a few little tips to help you out when you join us for worship:

Our worship services are liturgical, which means they follow a set pattern of prayers, readings, and responses from week to week. We actively participate in worship with these prayers and responses. You will notice that people sit, stand, or kneel at different times and according to their abilities. This might be new to you, but over time we hope it will become familiar and comforting. We always celebrate Communion at our weekly worship services, and the Communion table is open to all.

For a more complete description of the beliefs of the Episcopal Church, visit the national church web site at 

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Hello St. Philip’s family

You Asked, We Answered

      Office Hours:  In this time of transition, if you would like a private   

     appointment with Father Stephen, you will need to contact him at   


     Church Office:  864-7954         E-Mail:


PLEASE give us your email address. We are updating our Directory, so we need any changes to your information, especially email addresses. We will be sending more information and remaining in touch more by email. Also, like us on Facebook!!


Holy Eucharist Celebrated:  Sunday morning at 9:15 am

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St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
March 12, 2023

Sunday will be the third Sunday of Lent


Processional Hymn                                                           H 
Service begins on page                                                    BCP 355
Collect of the Day                                                             BCP 357
First Reading:    Martha Dreesen  Isaiah 49:1-7                                                                                                             
                               Psalm  40:1-12                                            BCP 640

Second Reading:  Stacey Anderson  1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Sequence Hymn                    H 135
The Holy Gospel    John 1:29-42       

Nicene Creed                                BCP 358
Prayers of the People               Form II                          BCP  385                                     
Confession of Sin                    BCP 359
The Exchange of Peace                BCP 360
Offertory Hymn                                                         H126
Hymn of Thanksgiving                                      Doxology
The Lord’s Prayer                        BCP 364
Holy Communion                    
Communion Hymn                    H 707
Prayer of Thanksgiving                BCP 361
Recessional Hymn                    H 371
The Parting Blessing

Sunday will be the third Sunday of Lent.  

It marks the halfway mark in our Lenten journey towards Easter.  

As we walk our spiritual walk, we can also watch the seasons change. The weather is warmer then colder, the winds have been blowing.  Recently, so many of my neighbors saw shingles blow from their roof tops, and the church has shingles blow off as well.  

It is a time of stress and excitement, a time of new hope amidst the dark shadows in our world.

We see our world with refugees being turned away.  

We see wars where so many innocent lives are destroyed. 

We see natural disasters like the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria taking over 50,000 lives and leaving millions injured and homeless. 

There were terrible floods in Pakistan where recovery continues well over a month after the initial event.  

Closer to home, there are floods in California. 

And locally, as well as elsewhere, many are concerned as to how they will make ends meet as prices seem to rise continually. 

Amidst all this seeming chaos we continue our faith journey, believing that even in the darkness, the Light is coming into the world.

The next weeks in the life of St Philip’s church are also caught up in the seeming chaos and excitement before us.  

On Friday, March 17th, we will have a Corned Beef and Cabbage supper from 5 - 7 pm. Please come and enjoy as we raise money for our ministry. 

This will also be an opportunity to meet with our Bishop, who will be beginning his weekend of visitation with St Matthew’s, St Philip’s and Epiphany churches. 

He will be meeting with our Bishop’s Committee on Saturday morning and will be celebrating Eucharist with us on Saturday Evening at 5.30. 

He will be spending the hour following the Eucharist - 6.30 to 7.30 - meeting all and answering questions during a Potluck Reception in the Fellowship Hall.

I hope you will be able to join us and spend sometime in community with Bishop Michael.

We will then be focusing on the remainder of our Lenten Journey.  As we prepare to enter Holy Week, I invite everyone to join with us at Sunday Eucharists and to become part of us as a pilgrim people during Holy Week.  The Bishop’s Committee have sent out a list of times and locations of services for Holy Week. Each Church will be hosting 1 or more service. Everyone of each congregation is invited to attend all services that they are able. Please join us as we walk with the Lord through His suffering and death into the Light of the Resurrection.

May our Loving God bless you now and always,


Office Hours:  In this time of transition, if you would like a private appointment with Father Stephen, please call him at the 

Church Office: (505) 864-7954 or email:

Please give us your email address.   We are updating our Directory, so we need any changes to your information, especially email addresses.  We will be sending more information and remaining in touch by email.  Also, like us on Facebook!!

Our Facebook is:

St Philips of Belen

If you would like to contact, Father Steve or any of the Bishop’s Committee, our Email is:

Let us pray for one another. Let us keep in heart and mind those who are sick and those who are having financial worries resulting from this virus.

Wishing you Grace and Peace in the Lord,

St. Philips's Episcopal Church Services

Sunday Service Hours 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM
Followed by coffee hour and choir practice

Due to the current Coronavirus conditions.

Father Steve has asked that I send this out to everyone in the hopes that you will be with us and face book tomorrow morning:

St. Philip's will continue to ZOOM and stream on Face Book, but we are now able to welcome parishioners back into the building. 

At all services, you will be greeted at the door, asked to use hand sanitizer before you receive your Prayer Book and Hymn and be assigned seating. 

Covid restrictions will still be observed: please wear a mask or we can provide one for you (paper or cloth); we  can offer disposable gloves as well; and there will be assigned pews to be sure to observe the 6 foot suggested spacing.

Please be assured that the Bishop's Committee will be in contact with the Diocese and the County and State Health Agencies as we go forward to monitor the suggested status and that we will always follow the suggested guidelines set forth. We will ask those who attend to do the same.

Please pray for St Philip's as we will continue to pray you and your families' good health. Hope to see you soon!!

 Women of the Diocese are sponsoring a workshop via zoom with Chris Chivers about his book Choose Life.  Attached you will find a flyer to help advertise this event.  All are welcome!

Food  Pantry & Community Time: Thursdays from 10am until  noon.

  (COVID allowing) all protocols followed.


St. Philip’s needs YOUR help!! As we seek to begin a new period of growth and renewal, volunteers are needed to support our ministries!! Please see Anne Marie, Doris or Judy to see how you can help! Sign up to be a Reader, Greeter, bring flowers, or be an acolyte, or help the Lay Eucharist Ministry – training is available!

The Food Pantry is open on Thursdays from 10am to Noon. We truly appreciate the outpouring of donations that have come into the Food Pantry. This outreach ministry is really MAKING A DIFFERENCE in our Community.  All contributions are gratefully accepted.

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Spread the Word and Share it

                  Journey's end, a new beginning

We have traveled through the remaining weeks of Lent.  Now, we greet Holy Week: The Easter Tridium of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 

Jesus, Our Savior, completes his walk to Calvary, suffers, dies and rises again in victory over sin and death.

As I reflect on this eternal  mystery, I am moved to reflect on our world.

The suffering of humanity still goes on.

The challenges of refugees on our border, the plight of those those fleeing from war in Ukraine is brought into sharp focus on our news channels each night.

We pray for peace, the peace that is promised in the Easter mystery.  As a Christian people, we are called to live in the hope of the resurrection of the Lord. 

In that hope, we find joy that carries us through the challenges in the world.  It is that love of God our Father, expressed in Jesus Christ that calls us to submit  our hearts, minds bodies and souls to the will of of our creator.

At Easter, we are reminded in the holy liturgy that we have entered the mystery of salvation through baptism.  We are blest and a  people called to be set apart from the world to witness to those eternal truths of love of God and our brothers and sisters in the human family.

The Gospel of Easter calls us once again to renew our baptismal vows, renew our hearts and minds, to live for God and God alone.  May  the

grace and blessings of this holy season sustain us as we face the uncertainties of the changing world around us.  May we be filled with joy, and May we give give thanks wholeheartedly to God for the multitude of gifts we have been

given and share the joy with those  who still need to hear the good news, not in words but in actions,

The days of sin are conquered, the eternal journey of life growing in the knowledge has begun.

Praise be Jesus Christ! May He be praised forever and ever.

Father Steve+

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Prayers Request

God the Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray and declare healing all over your Earth. We trust in you and by your mercy we are healed. Touch the minds and hearts of our leaders, and grant them wisdom In these trying times.  Give strength to those who care for the sick and dying.  I humbly ask that your will be done, and I pray a special blessing over those who are reading this prayer.  This I ask in your name, Jesus Christ.  Glory be to God the Father!  Amen 

If you have a special prayer request please email  

So that we can all be praying!!

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Come Visit

Sunday Service Hours 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM

Followed by coffee hour and choir practice

Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri: by appointment

Food Pantry Thursday: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Holy Eucharist Sunday: 9:15 am - 10:00 am

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113 La Luna Place, Rio Communities

NM 87002

Church Office:  864-7954


The Diocese of the Rio Grande

The Rt. Rev. Michael Hunn, Bishop

The Rev. Stephen Stephens, Vicar

The Rev. Jeff Toliver, Deacon

(505) 864-7954

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Mission Statement:

To worship Almighty God, to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ his Son as contained in the Summary of the Law and in Matthew 25:31-40: “What you do unto the least of these you do also unto me”.  To allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in all that we do, so we may better serve God, his Son our Lord and honor all his creation.

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